Study and Work in Japan

Learn Japanese and Work in Japan

Whether you are of Japanese descent or not, we have the right exchange program for you in the Land of the Rising Sun. Get a quote from one of our consultants!

Study and Work in Japan

Study and Work in Japan whether you are a descendant of Japanese or not. Going on an exchange is a unique experience, rich in learning, personal experiences in addition to the possibility of professional development. And why choose Japan for an exchange?

Whether from a professional, cultural, personal or even intellectual point of view, the land of the Samurais offers good reasons for you to live here for a period of time. The country has been concerned for many years and has sought measures to facilitate the arrival of foreigners to compensate for the lack of qualified labor and establish a family life in the country.

Japan will completely immerse you in a life, a lifestyle where every detail is important, that will be different from what you are used to. A country with a growing elderly population needs people of working age, and its future goals can be achieved through the opportunity granted by Japanese law, through the granting of student visas and subsequent vocational qualifications or work visas.

Foreign national meet several aspects desired by the Japanese job market in their profile, emphasizing the fact that the project provides for the possibility of learning Japanese as a starting point to adapt and meet Japan’s needs more fully. Qualified professionals and market insertion of work.

What is it like to study in Japan?

For a student visa, Japanese law stipulates that study hours must allow students to work 28 hours a week, which can help save financial, study and personal expenses. The student can choose to study in the morning or in the afternoon and thus combine Arubaito (temporary work) with work opportunities.

The student may have access to employment opportunities depending on their professional training in Brazil (validated in Japan based on the student’s work opportunities), or after starting the professional course and the Japanese course. Already having knowledge of the language is a great facilitator and differentiator for students who wish to enter the Japanese job market.

The student can live in the residence of an educational institution (accommodation) which is normally close to the school. Bicycles will be at your disposal to make your trip easier. The forecast is that, by working 28 hours a week, it will be possible to pay all study and daily expenses in Japan.

How does it work?

In the first stage, you enter a Japanese school to achieve proficiency in Nihongo, the Japanese language. During this period you will be able to combine work and study, to help with your personal expenses. 

Now that you have achieved proficiency in the language, you can take a technical course, college or even postgraduate and thus you can make the dream of thousands of people around the world come true, living and working in Japan. Some technical course options in Japan, they are: Information Technology – IT, Hospitality, Gastronomy, Elderly Caregiver – Helper, among others.


Are you interested in studying and working in Japan even without descendants? Find out what the requirements are for you to start your dream:

• Complete high school;

• Be between 18 and 50 years of age;

• 150-hour Nihongo course (proven by certificate) or Japanese language proficiency level N5. (If you already have a college degree you might be exempt from this requirement)

FAQs about studying in Japan

Yes it is possible. After the student finishes a long-term Japanese course in Japan and a course in a Japanese vocational school they can apply for a work visa and stay in Japan permanently

The student needs to know a very basic Japanese. It is necessary to have a level equivalent to JLPT N5 or J-test level F. Another possibility would be for the exchange student to present a certificate of at least 150 hours from a Japanese language school. We have partner schools that provide this course at discount prices due to the partnership with Nippon Ryugaku, if the student does not yet meet this requirement.

Citizens from some countries are not required to have a student visa if they wish to study in Japan for up to 3 months, however, if you wish to study in Japan for longer than 3 months you will probably need a student visa. You can check if your country is included on the exemption list from the Japanese Government by clicking on the following link:
Yes. Nippon Ryugaku together with partner schools provide alternatives for part-time work in Japan (Arubaito), since the student will study in one period and can work in the other. It is worth mentioning that the limit of working hours allowed by Japanese immigration is 28 hours per week for the student visa.
It depends on the chosen school, it can vary from 1 month to 2 years. If the student wishes to continue living in Japan after this period, some colleges can direct their students to colleges, specialization courses or even to the job market.
The first step is for the student, to decide which school is best for their purpose, taking into account the time and the desired period. We will then guide you through the necessary documents, as well as completing the school forms. In addition, our assistance assists in sending and translating all documents to the Japanese school, which in turn will check and send these documents to immigration, in order to obtain the certificate of eligibility, a document necessary to obtain the visa of student. After approval of the visa, exchange students will be assisted from leaving your home country to arriving in Japan. As it is a process that requires a lot of documents and time, it is recommended that the student contact us at least 8 months before the start of classes, which depending on the school can be in January, April, July or October of each year. For more information, contact us.
Our partner schools help students find housing. Among the available options are dorms and apartments. As for part-time work, the schools have links with some factories, convenience stores, fast foods, etc. You can direct your students to these jobs. It is worth noting that the student must have a good performance at the beginning and during the course to facilitate obtaining arubaito.
Yes you can. After completing the Japanese course, you can continue your studies through technical courses, universities, specializations, etc. As well as getting a formal job in Japan.
Classes are held in just one period of the day, morning or afternoon, so that the student has time available to work in the other period and thus be able to pay for his life in Japan. The objective is that, at the end of the course, the student has a JLPT N1 or N2 level, thus having the necessary proficiency to continue living and working in Japan, if he / she wishes.
The cost of living will depend on the exchange student’s expenses with food, housing and lifestyle. However, it is fully possible to live and study in Japan with the value of the arubaito. The average hourly rate for Arubaito is 1000 yen to 1500 yen, for example
We might charge a fee only for the short-term courses. As for the long term courses (6 months or above) our services are totally free since we get paid by the Japanese Institutions to introduce new long-term students to them, so the only costs you would have would be the same ones you would have if you were dealing direct with the school itself and sometimes the final cost would be even cheaper if you sign-up for the school when we are in the middle of our discount campaigns.

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